The Most Effective Solutions to Hair Loss

Learn about the most effective solutions for treating hair loss including minoxidil (Rogaine), finasteride (Propecia), rosemary oil, tea tree oil and onion juice.

The Most Effective Solutions to Hair Loss

Over-the-counter (OTC) medications are available to help treat hair loss, and the two most common are minoxidil (Rogaine) and finasteride (Propecia). Originally developed to treat high blood pressure, minoxidil was found to have the side effect of excessive and unwanted hair growth. Scientists are still unsure of how it works, but it is believed to widen hair follicles, resulting in thicker locks of hair and a longer period of hair growth. Minoxidil is safe and effective when used correctly, and is most effective in people younger than 40 years old.

It is available in concentrations of 5% and 10%, with Rogaine being a 5% minoxidil foam for men over 20 years old. Finasteride, on the other hand, does not affect hair growth on other parts of the body.

Rosemary oil

has been found to be as effective as 2% minoxidil, and participants were more likely to use it regularly than minoxidil. Tea tree oil combined with minoxidil and diclofenac, an anti-inflammatory drug, may be even more effective than minoxidil alone.

NOW Foods offers 2 liquid ounces of 100% rosemary essential oil, with each serving containing 160 milligrams (mg) of saw palmetto. The company recommends taking two softgels per day.

Hair Loss Causes

Hair loss can have many causes, such as genetics, skin or scalp disorders, or lifestyle factors. William Gaunitz, a trichologist, explains that genetic hair loss in both men and women is related to sensitivity to DHT and revolves around certain levels of androgens connected to hair follicle receptors. If you're looking for a prescription for hair loss or eyelash growth, an over-the-counter treatment, or thickening shampoos, Hers can probably help you as long as you've been assigned a woman at birth.

Preventing Hair Loss

It is important to note that people were less likely to see improvements in hair loss if they experienced total hair thinning rather than thinning in a specific area of the scalp.

Research has shown that taking finasteride orally along with the use of topical minoxidil is one of the most effective ways to combat hair loss. The final step is the brand's flagship product, a leave-in serum that stimulates microcirculation, strengthens hair, balances oil production, prevents fungus growth and can help address all types of different types of hair loss. Whether premenopausal, postpartum, postmenopausal or male at birth, the company offers supplement formulas that aim to help address some of the main causes of hair loss. People with male pattern baldness inherit hair that is more sensitive to DHT, the hormone that can shorten the lifespan of individual hair follicles.

Some products were gender-neutral while others were only safe for men, so it was important to find plenty of options available for women who were suffering from hair loss as well. In order to prevent further hair loss it is important to condition your hair regularly and moisturize your scalp. Avoiding chemical treatments such as relaxants or perms can also help minimize the chances of experiencing traction alopecia or other forms of preventable hair loss. Eating healthy foods can also contribute to healthier locks and reduce the risk of experiencing any type of hair loss.

Onion Juice

While researchers don't fully understand the mechanism of action behind onion juice and hair growth, it's possible that sulfur and phenolic compounds stimulate hair growth through irritant contact dermatitis. The causes of hair loss are multifactorial and can include factors such as stress, hormonal changes, medications, genetics and hair products that irritate the scalp according to dermatologist Peterson Pierre MD. Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks a person's hair follicles and causes hair loss. If your once thick locks are looking a little sparse these days you might be wondering what's behind your own personal case of hair loss and what you can do about it.

Jerri Inaba
Jerri Inaba

Lifelong beer advocate. Incurable food evangelist. Proud twitter fan. Friendly baconaholic. Internet expert.