What to Do When Experiencing Sudden or Unexpected Hair Loss

Learn how to protect your scalp and promote healthy regrowth if you experience sudden or rapid hair loss.

What to Do When Experiencing Sudden or Unexpected Hair Loss

For women who have a loss in their hairline (frontal fibrosing alopecia), it is important to talk to their doctor about early treatment to avoid significant permanent baldness. If you or your child are noticing sudden or patchy hair loss or more hair loss than usual when styling or washing your hair, it is essential to seek medical help. Don't suffer in silence - you can go to a dermatologist for assistance. These specialists specialize in diagnosing and treating skin, hair, and nails.

A dermatologist can tell you if you have hair loss or excessive hair loss. If you think that hair loss may be related to an underlying health problem, such as stress or illness, try contacting your primary care provider for help. Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease, in which the immune system mistakenly assumes that the skin is foreign and creates antibodies that attack the hair follicles, causing them to shrink and stop producing hair. When this type of infection is severe, it can cause a permanent form of hair loss called scar alopecia.

Alopecia areata can cause round baldness on the scalp, diffuse hair loss or, in rare cases, total hair loss. Researchers don't fully understand what triggers alopecia areata; however, studies have found that hair loss can be triggered by factors such as physical or emotional stress, infections, and certain medications (Gilhar, 2011). If you are experiencing rapid hair loss, there are steps you can take to protect your locks, prevent it from falling out even more and stimulate its growth. You can do this by talking to your primary care provider, making an appointment with a dermatologist, or talking to a healthcare provider online about treatments for hair loss.

If you have anagenic hair loss caused by medications, hair growth will resume when you stop taking the medication. Investigations, such as blood tests or skin tests, can be done to find out the cause of hair loss. Using styling methods for a long period of time can lead to irreversible hair loss (hair will not grow back). The Ministry of Health offers a subsidy for wigs and hairpieces for people who suffer severe hair loss due to a medical condition or certain cancer treatments (external link).

When a strand falls out, it is replaced by new hair from the same follicle located just below the skin's surface. While changes in habits and lifestyle don't prevent male pattern baldness, some habits may be helpful in promoting hair regrowth. This includes using a shampoo to prevent hair loss and avoiding products with harsh or harmful ingredients. By taking these steps if you experience sudden or rapid hair loss, you can protect your scalp and promote healthy regrowth.

Jerri Inaba
Jerri Inaba

Lifelong beer advocate. Incurable food evangelist. Proud twitter fan. Friendly baconaholic. Internet expert.